Saturday, September 27, 2008

Max Payne 3 è già in lavorazione?

Max Payne 3 gi in lavorazione?

Tra le svariate occasioni in cui ci si concede di speculare avidamente, questa, con tutta probabilit, risulta essere tra le pi verosimili. Tutto partito da una notizia riportata su PlayStation Beyond, successivamente sviluppata da Brutal Gamer. La notizia originale vuole Rockstar Games a lavoro su un nuovo gioco basato su di una fantastica licenza. Poich il nome di tale progetto al momento rimane segreto, ecco che hanno inizio le speculazioni. A favore della tesi pro-Max Payne 3, vi

The Free App Store Review VIII: Life, the Universe, and Everything

Bugger it. Last time I said that I was going to split the review up into 2 parts so you didnt have to scroll so far, owing to the sheer volume of new apps that turned up in the App Store. Im not going to do that this time, even though there are even more apps to plow through. 42, to be exact. (Im sure Deep Thought had something to do with that, which can only mean that Earth is close to achieving the purpose for which it was built.) So limber up your scroll fingers, folks, and keep an eye

Action Figures Halo 3 Series 3 - Elite Combat Soldier

Action Figures Halo 3 Series 3 - Elite Combat Soldier August 3rd, 2008 Two powerhouses of pop culture McFarlane Toys and Microsoft are collaborating to produce Action Figures based on the fantastically popular video game series Halo. From the incredible third entry in the Halo trilogy, comes this awesome 6-inch scale action figure! Order yours now! This Series 3 action figure includes one Elite Combat figure from the hit game series, as well as accessories. Halo is a popular series of scienc


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